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Hungarian Grammy winner Belau brings back the summer with a new LP

WORLD - Belau is one of the most promising electronica newcomers around the European music scene. In three years, they had almost 200 live performances in 23 countries.
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The debut LP, “The Odyssey” won the Hungarian Grammy in best electronic music album category. After their long-awaited sophomore album, titled Colourwave, they release the Deluxe Version from it with some remixes, reimagined versions and live sessions.

“Take You to The Sea” – claims about their compositions. Belau (Peter Kedves and Krisztian Buzas) is a band who tries to provide shelter for the modern human through their music - representing the path to self-awareness through the depth of the individual - by making modern and elegant electronic beats with longing lyrics driven for the solace of the mind. Forever inspired by the fundamental elements of the nature, especially the infinite sea.

The duo had many international successes. In the last years they played almost 200 shows in 23 countries and impressed audiences at renowned festivals like Primavera, Eurosonic, Electric Castle, Sziget, SXSW – to name just a few. Belau was supported by radios like BBC Radio 1, Triple J or KEXP and mediums like Clash Music, Billboard, The Line of Best Fit, or Rolling Stone. Their first album won the Hungarian Grammy Award, recently Belau reached one million streams with earlier releases.

The follow-up of the critically acclaimed debut of the duo has returned with a more thoughtful release, that keeps providing shelter for the modern human through music, where listeners can sink to themselves and their thoughts. „'Colouwave' is a multi-layered concept release that on the basis is trying to represent a path to self-awareness by using the sounds of the nature mixed up with precise and modern beats. It also hardly relies on the messages and instructions of the nature that surrounds us - especially the sea - and on the top of that Belau continued the geographical concept - familiar from The Odyssey-era - that this time reflects musically and visually to the thousand colours of the Caribbean area featuring many international female talents” - said the electronica duo about the new LP which is including a lot of chilled beats, exotic instruments, 808 subs, and some self-collected organic tunes. Colourwave Deluxe contains remixes from Ken Fan, Coss, Hillsdom, and Ohxalá, some night versions, and live sessions.

Due to COVID 19 crisis Hungary’s No.1 musical export good, Belau had to reschedule their album release tour, which hopefully will start around 2021 Autumn. You can always find all the updated information about the new dates or the special splatter vinyl release on their social pages.

Zdroj: Belaumusic
(Martina )
úterý 20. 4. 2021 08:00
, Martina . 2021. Hungarian Grammy winner Belau brings back the summer with a new LP. Vychytané.cz. [Online] 20. 4. 2021. [Citace: 8. 9. 2024.] http://clanky.vychytane.cz/clanek.php?id=13762. ISSN 1802-2677.
link na článek: http://clanky.vychytane.cz/Hungarian-Grammy-winner-Belau-brings-back-the-summer-with-a-new-LP
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