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"Rain Down On Me", volně přeloženo Pršíš do mě :o) tak trochu nám to připomíná text od Kryštofa. Ale pozor, Kane je nečekaně z Holandska a singl Rain Down On Me byl prvním debutem pro britský trh. Psal se rok 2004 a talentového rockera si všiml Tiësto a z jemně rockového hitu se stala rázem celosvětová taneční mega hymna.
O dva roky později, na sklonku léta 2006, skolil tento song i zlínské taneční publikum. Proto je asi nejlepší doba, vám nabídnout i videoklip a text této písničky..
Mrkněte kliknutím
A tady je slibovany text:
I´ve been running through this town,
I´ve been combing every street.
I´ve been searching for the reason within reasons,
Been searching for the higher ground in me.
And I´ve been trying to surrender,
To trust in every word.
All my days of misery,
Someone could have taken them from me.
I´ve been searching for myself,
For oh so many times.
I´ve been searching for the answer within answers,
But no one seems to know what´s on my mind.
Craving for her love,
Aching for her touch,
All my days of misery, someone could have taken them from me.
So tell me where you are,
Tell me how you feel.
Tell me what you need,
Just tell me how you feel.
And let it all just rain on me,
Let it all just rain on me,
Let it all just rain on me....
Rain down on me.
If only for a day,
Oh if only for one night,
I could tell you this is everything that i have ever lived for,
But I´d be giving it all away.
So look into these eyes,
And tell me how you feel.
All my days of misery, someone could have taken them from me.
So tell me where you are,
Tell me how you feel.
Tell me what you need,
Just tell me how you feel.
And let it all just rain on me,
Let it all just rain on me,
Let it all just rain on me...
Rain down on me.
A prosím, opravdu po mně nechtějte český překlad... Jde to, ale není to ono :o) To si radši stáhněte melodii na váš mobil a kochejte se sami doma :o)
majkl(Michal Gaja)
pondělí 2. 10. 2006 08:00
Gaja, Michal. 2006. KANE - Rain Down On Me (Remixed By Tiësto) .
Vychytané.cz. [Online] 2. 10. 2006. [Citace: 6. 11. 2024.] ISSN 1802-2677.
link na článek:ësto)-