Apokalypsa 42 pátek 25. listopadu 2016 19:00 (konec +- sobota 26. listopadu 2016 07:00) Boby Centrum Brno (CZ)
Nepřijímá už bookingy, avšak udělal pro fanoušky Apokalypsy výjimku - přijede se rozloučit s česko-slovenskou hardtechno základnou, a to rovnou na Boiler Hard stage listopadové Apokalypsy!
Boris S. v rámci ukončení kariéry vydal kompilaci Best of 15 years Boris S., která obsahuje 111 tracků! Apokalypsa 25.11. bude jediný přijatý gig, který Boris S. v roce 2016 potvrdil.
Vyjádření Borise S.: As i ended my carreer, i got now a lot of booking requests. I am definitely retired from the DJ Business, BUT - i decided to play (if requested) MAYBE ONE gig per year in the future. I came on this, because a big festival asked me to play. They really wanted it so much that i couldnt say no at the end. This will be my only gig in 2016. It's more a thing of "nostalgia" for me.
ENG : BORIS S. LIVE will come to Apokalypsa – to „say goodbye“ for his DJ career!
Yes, the legendary hardtechno producer, Boris Schalk aka Boris S. had finished – after 15 years, his DJ career. He do not accept any DJ bookings, but he made a exception and he will come to play to Apokalypsa, to say goodbye to Czech and Slovak fans.
Boris S. now released the compilation Best of 15 years Boris S., which include 111 tracks! Apokalypsa on the 25th of November will be the only one gig of him, in 2016!
Borise S. says: As i ended my career, i got now a lot of booking requests. I am definitely retired from the DJ Business, BUT - i decided to play (if requested) MAYBE ONE gig per year in the future. I came on this, because a big festival asked me to play. They really wanted it so much that i couldnt say no at the end. This will be my only gig in 2016. It's more a thing of "nostalgia" for me.